Constance Parbon, Charities, Nonprofits and Public Affairs Administrator
Washington Secretary of State, Corporations and Charities Division
Constance Parbon is the Charities, Nonprofits, and Public Affairs Administrator under the Washington
Secretary of State Corporations and Charities Division. She has been with the division for 7 years and
within this time she aided in the 2017 implementation of the online Corporations and Charities Filing
System "CCFS". Constance continues to collaborate with IT development to further enhance and incorporate
statutory changes within CCFS. She assists customers, business partners, and the AG's office with their
needs pertaining to filing, the system and the division. In addition, Constance works towards expanding
education and outreach throughout Washington State for small businesses regarding state compliance and
Nonprofits and Charities regarding state compliance and internal governance.