Business Licensing and Formation

Understand the steps you need to take to register and license your business in the state of Washington with the Secretary of State and Department of Revenue’s Business Licensing Service.

Constance Parbon, Charities, Nonprofits and Public Affairs Administrator
Washington Secretary of State, Corporations and Charities Division

Constance Parbon is the Government and Public Affairs Administrator under the Washington Secretary of State Corporations and Charities Division and has been with the division for 8 years. She is passionate about meeting people, where they are, throughout Washington State. As part of this passion, Constance is actively expanding the Division’s education and engagement throughout Washington State for small businesses regarding state compliance, Nonprofits and Charities regarding state compliance and internal governance, and consumers regarding making informed giving decisions and preventing fraud. This is being accomplished through partnerships with the Office of the Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division and the Small Business Liaison Team which is made up of over 25 state agencies.


Tanya Gookin
Department of Revenue

As an employee of the Department of Revenue, Tanya Gookin has more than 8 years’ experience in state business licensing. She started in customer service helping businesses apply and maintain their state business license. She is now the Business License Trainer and educates potential and existing businesses with their licensing needs.